Madness Cafe

194. Period Education and Women's Bodies Explained with guest Amy Orr

Raquel Howard and Jennifer Bolanos Season 1 Episode 194

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Do you remember sex ed from your school days? Did you actually learn anything? Is sex ed even taught in schools anymore? If it is, its days are likely numbered in this political climate. It turns out lack of adequate, comprehensive sex education is universal. In this week's episode we talk to someone who is doing something about this in her community. Our guest, Amy Orr, is working to educate and empower young people to open up the conversation and break the stigma surrounding periods and to help alleviate period poverty in Ireland by supplying free reusable cloth pads to students through her Navigating Periods with Confidence program.

Mentioned in this episode: Eco Femme,

Where to find Amy Orr: 



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