Madness Cafe

181. The Normalization of Hatred and Antisemitism: Escape From Dachau with Susan Servais

Raquel Howard and Jennifer Bolanos

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How much do we really know about our parents, grandparents, and our family history? How do they fit into the backdrop of history as a whole? Susan Servais' mother Kathe Mueller Slonim gave her family the gift of her story in the book Escape From Dachau: A True Story of Survival, Courage, and A Daring Escape in the Face of Unthinkable Evil. This book is a memoir couched in history that reads like a novel. Tune in to hear our conversation with Susan about her truly amazing family and what we can learn from their experience. 

Susan Servais is the retired CEO of  a non-profit, the Massachusetts Health Council and the daughter of Kathe Mueller Slonim, the author of Escape from Dachau.

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